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France Biolead - Bioproduction in France with GTP Bioways

France Biolead launched on December 2022 to boost French bioproduction sector

Created by 15 founding members, players in all the biomanufacturing value chain, its ambition is simple: to structure and steer a unique French biomanufacturing sector with the support of the French government, to make France a leader in biomanufacturing in Europe and to restore France’s sovereignty in this field.

This event was held at the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty, in the presence of Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate in charge of Industry and Bruno Bonnell, Secretary General for Investment.

Biotherapeutics: a revolution… with two main challenges

Over the last twenty years, the healthcare industry and patients have been experiencing a real revolution with the arrival of drugs whose active ingredients are produced from living organisms. Biomedicines have opened up new hopes for treatments in many therapeutic areas (oncology, immunology, virology, rare diseases, etc.), leading to a huge impact on the daily life and health of millions of patients.

Although it has many assets in this field, France currently imports 95% of the biomedicines sold in its territory (source).

Moreover, while the diversity of the French ecosystem in this field is a real strength, it implies bringing on board a multitude of players from different spheres to make them converge around common projects and successes.

It is in this observation that France Biolead was born. The association was created in June 2022 under the impetus of the Grand Défi Biomédicaments and the CFS-ITS contract by 15 founding members, of which we are a part, representing the diversity of players in the biomanufacturing value chain in France.

France BioLead = 15 founders and 3 common objectives

Together, it is now necessary to do everything possible to reveal the French bioproduction value chain, with the 3 common objectives supported by France BioLead:

  • Double the proportion of bio-based therapeutics produced in France by 2030;
  • Double the number of jobs in the bioproduction sector, i.e. from 10,000 to 20,000 jobs by 2030;
  • Enable the emergence of at least 1 new unicorn and 5 new biotech mid-caps to promote our sovereignty in terms of health and develop our competitiveness beyond French borders.




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